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Taylor Swift Covers ‘USA Weekend,’ Answers Fan Questions

Taylor Swift graces the cover of the latest USA Weekend. Inside, the superstar answers questions submitted by fans from around the world. Check out some of her answers below.

On believing in love at first sight:
Yes. For some reason, when you are with some people, you’d rather be closer to them than further away. You want to know everything about them. This crazy, immeasurable, intangible, magical chemistry happens with certain people. When you have that, you have to know how rare it is. If you let it slip away, it’s such a shame.

On how most of her songs reveal her private life:
If something has affected me deeply, I’m going to write about it. I don’t put much of a filter on. I’ve written songs that were just anger rants. I don’t usually play them for anyone, but it’s nice to write them and rhyme that person’s name with literally every horrible thing you can think of.

On what she does when she feels overwhelmed:
I sit on my couch under a giant quilt and watch Friends. My 10-disc DVD set has made me feel at home in places I had never been before. Halfway across the world, I put in Friends, and I am suddenly more at home.

On what she misses about living at home:
I don’t miss that much about it, honestly! We see each other all the time still.

On not regretting her decision to not go to college:
In order to keep perspective and to not be the girl who wants one thing her whole life then gets it and complains, I’m cool with the path I’ve chosen.

On writing songs about her personal relationships with people:
The only thing I’m thinking about is the person I’m writing about. It’s a little message in a bottle. Sometimes, the purpose of writing it in the first place is what the person will do when they hear it. The fact that other people come into the equation, that happens 50 steps down the line.

Be sure to pick up a copy of USA Weekend for more with Taylor. Check out this video for behind the scenes footage from her photo shoot: